Divination Box (2019)
Max MSP, Teensy USB, Copper WiresDivination Box was performed in a small group consisting of 20 people. In the middle, the performer lays in a pile of blankets on a hard stone floor. Beside him is a smooth, fabric covered box that is connected to a laptop, whose screen remains black. The room is dark, with the only light coming from a warm lamp off to the side.
The performance consists of the performer pulling out wires with copper diodes attatched to the end from the box. He then quietly lays down and ritualistically runs the ends of the wires against his face and exposed arms for several minutes. After the ritual is done, he sits up and meticulously puts away the wires back inside the box. He presses one button on the laptop, and the screen is projected onto the wall; the Divination Box's final result.