Luis Andrés Serrano

august 28, 2013 (2023)

mixed fabric, tiles, mixed thread

A quilt made of the scraps that came out of my experiments with cyanotypes on fabric. I like imagining this blanket as something I'd sleep under after it's made off the research of a destroyed building.

This piece is a part of my research into my local mall for my residency at James Black Gallery. It was exhibited during Please Hold- alongside my cohort's work. I specifically focused on the portion of the mall that was demolished in 2013 during the mall's renovation. I was interested in the ideas of fabricated memories and media preservation, especially when it is compared to our present day saturation of vlogs and tagging systems and media advertising public locations. The portion of the mall that I was interested in seemed to have 0 video preservation aside from one Youtube video that wasn't even directly taken in that location, instead using that portion as a background for only 3 seconds. As for photos, there is practically 0 of them aside from a few photos of the outside. Do demolished buildings get an afterlife?
